Tag: essbase
Essbase Cloud Features II
Carrying on in our series about new features on Essbase Cloud, I wanted to take a look at some of the other features that are now available in the so-called Modern interface. Specifically, the “Analyze” and “Inspect” features. First off, if you wanted to toggle between the “Classic” (not sure why you would want to,……
Essbase Cloud Features I
Data load performance in PBCS/EPBCS
ODI, the Essbase API and Jython I
Through this blog, we’ve been trying to advertise the fact that the tools we have at our disposal go a long way towards creating user-friendly solutions. Today, I thought I’d delve into the world of the Essbase API. Further, I thought we’d explore how the API can work, with Jython, and by extension, ODI. There……
Part 1: Essbase and Hyperion Planning Outside-the-box
Welcome to Part 1 of a multi-part series detailing the creation of some out-of-the-ordinary processes leveraging Hyperion Planning command-line utilities, new (and old) Essbase CDFs and Hyperion Planning back-end repository tables. In this series, we will look at a requirement that arose at a recent client requiring the ability to update security within a Planning……
Hyperion Calc Manager validation versus EAS validation (RUNJAVA)
While working with the @CalcMgrExecuteMaxLScript Essbase CDF I came across some intricacies around using the RUNJAVA flavor of this CDF (RunJava com.hyperion.calcmgr.common.cdf.MaxLScriptFunction). I was developing some calc scripts in EAS with the intention of converting them to Calc Manager calculation rules for use with Hyperion Planning. I find the script editor in Calculation Manager to……
Issue with Shell Escape and @CalcMgrExecuteMaxLScript
Thought I’d post a little tip that could prove useful to others that are looking to use the @CalcMgrExecuteEncryptMaxLFile and @CalcMgrExecuteMaxLScript Essbase functions (CDFs). I often find the ‘shell’ command that is available with MaxL scripting to be very useful. According to the Oracle technical documents the ‘shell’ or ‘Shell Escape’ allows the user to……
Using escape character (\) to retain quotes in Essbase dim builds
Hello fellow Essbasers, I thought I’d pass on a little tip for an issue you may come across when creating an Essbase dimensional build. Occasionally you may need to build outline members that require quotes in one of the dimensional build fields (typically involving member formulas). Let’s take the following source data as an example.……
Essbase Warning 1002023? Check your Config File
The other day I was running MaxL scripts on some Essbase applications at a client. In the corresponding MaxL logs generated by data load statements, I noticed the following warning being generated. I noticed that every data load and dim build was generating this same warning. WARNING – 1002023 – No message for message #1002023……
Shell Scripts and Exports I
ODBC Setup Essbase Unix
Copy Planning Security to Essbase II
As we’ve seen in the last post, we have a list of users and their filter names as they exist in Planning. Continuing on, let’s take a look at what the documentation tells us about filters. It’s not evident at first glance, the importance of the section, “as FILTER-NAME”. If you dig one step deeper,……
Copy Planning Security to Essbase I
Today, I thought we’d look at a little proof of concept, in this part 1 of a 2-part series of posts. One of my co-authors and I were trying to figure out how to replicate security from a Planning application to an Essbase cube. Imagine the scenario, where we might have a planning application, for inputs……
Dynamic Data Load Rules
Essbase Cloud Features II

Carrying on in our series about new features on Essbase Cloud, I wanted to take a look at some of the other features that are now available in the so-called Modern interface. Specifically, the “Analyze” and “Inspect” features. First off, if you wanted to toggle between the “Classic” (not sure why you would want to,……
Essbase Cloud Features I
Data load performance in PBCS/EPBCS
ODI, the Essbase API and Jython I

Through this blog, we’ve been trying to advertise the fact that the tools we have at our disposal go a long way towards creating user-friendly solutions. Today, I thought I’d delve into the world of the Essbase API. Further, I thought we’d explore how the API can work, with Jython, and by extension, ODI. There……
Part 1: Essbase and Hyperion Planning Outside-the-box

Welcome to Part 1 of a multi-part series detailing the creation of some out-of-the-ordinary processes leveraging Hyperion Planning command-line utilities, new (and old) Essbase CDFs and Hyperion Planning back-end repository tables. In this series, we will look at a requirement that arose at a recent client requiring the ability to update security within a Planning……
Hyperion Calc Manager validation versus EAS validation (RUNJAVA)

While working with the @CalcMgrExecuteMaxLScript Essbase CDF I came across some intricacies around using the RUNJAVA flavor of this CDF (RunJava com.hyperion.calcmgr.common.cdf.MaxLScriptFunction). I was developing some calc scripts in EAS with the intention of converting them to Calc Manager calculation rules for use with Hyperion Planning. I find the script editor in Calculation Manager to……
Issue with Shell Escape and @CalcMgrExecuteMaxLScript

Thought I’d post a little tip that could prove useful to others that are looking to use the @CalcMgrExecuteEncryptMaxLFile and @CalcMgrExecuteMaxLScript Essbase functions (CDFs). I often find the ‘shell’ command that is available with MaxL scripting to be very useful. According to the Oracle technical documents the ‘shell’ or ‘Shell Escape’ allows the user to……
Using escape character (\) to retain quotes in Essbase dim builds

Hello fellow Essbasers, I thought I’d pass on a little tip for an issue you may come across when creating an Essbase dimensional build. Occasionally you may need to build outline members that require quotes in one of the dimensional build fields (typically involving member formulas). Let’s take the following source data as an example.……
Essbase Warning 1002023? Check your Config File
The other day I was running MaxL scripts on some Essbase applications at a client. In the corresponding MaxL logs generated by data load statements, I noticed the following warning being generated. I noticed that every data load and dim build was generating this same warning. WARNING – 1002023 – No message for message #1002023……
Shell Scripts and Exports I
ODBC Setup Essbase Unix
Copy Planning Security to Essbase II

As we’ve seen in the last post, we have a list of users and their filter names as they exist in Planning. Continuing on, let’s take a look at what the documentation tells us about filters. It’s not evident at first glance, the importance of the section, “as FILTER-NAME”. If you dig one step deeper,……
Copy Planning Security to Essbase I

Today, I thought we’d look at a little proof of concept, in this part 1 of a 2-part series of posts. One of my co-authors and I were trying to figure out how to replicate security from a Planning application to an Essbase cube. Imagine the scenario, where we might have a planning application, for inputs……