ODI 12c Installation (Standalone install)

PREREQUISITES Download the ODI install file http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/data-integrator/downloads/index.html. Make sure you have a Java JDK installed. I used the version seen below. The Oracle support matrix shows any version greater than 1.7.0_55 as supported. I’m not sure if 1.8 is supported though so I stuck with version 7. Note that support for 7 is set to……
Real World Case Example for ODI Yellow Interface (w/ Dynamic Source and Target)

Until recently, I never encountered a situation where I needed a “yellow interface” in ODI (Oracle Data Integrator). Typical ODI interfaces leverage models that are manually created and point to static objects such as tables or files. On a recent project, I took to ODI to create an automation process that would be used to……